Know The Secret: Inspiring story of buddha to overcome your sorrow

Inspiring Story Of Buddha to Overcome Your Sorrow

Gautam Buddha is regarded as a spiritual guru. If you follow his instructions, your life will be calm. He taught us how to overcome life’s sorrows, where the grief comes from, and what causes this pain. He preached truth, peace, humanity, and equality. If you grasp the idea stated in this story, in your heart and follow it, there will be no sadness in your life.

Inspiring story of buddha to overcome your sorrow

Once a man came to the ashram of Gautam Buddha and took shelter after spending two days alone.

He said to Buddha: Oh Buddha, I have some questions in my mind. I have come to know the answers to those questions from you.

Lord Buddha said: Tell me, what question you have.

The man said: I am not happy in my life at all. I am always very sad. There is no happiness in life, no happiness at all. I want to know why it happens to me.

Gautam Buddha said: First, you tell me the cause of your sorrow. What are the exact causes of your grief and anxiety?

The man thought for a while about Buddha’s words and said, what kind of question is this?

I am asking you and without answering, are you asking me again.

Buddha smiled and said: It’s your sorrow. You should know what are the causes of your sorrow.

The man said: Buddha, you are a prophet, you know how to read minds. You should know everything.

Buddha smiled softly and said: This is your mistake. You think that someone else will make you free from your grief, but it never happens. It’s only you who can solve your problem.

I am just like you, the only difference is, I don’t have any confusion.

The day, when your inner confusion is over. You do not have to go to any Buddha, to solve your problem.

Have you ever seen flowers carefully?

The man was surprised and said:  who has not seen flowers.

Buddha said: the flower opens out as a bird in the morning, Blooms during the day and ends in the evening.

If the flower had known that it would end in the evening, the flower would not have blossomed itself.

Similarly, if you always think of Sorrow, you will never be happy. There are still many things in your life that can make you live happily ever after. You can smile and you can enjoy life.

You will not find happiness in life unless you follow this path, I can show you the way. I can tell you the path, but you have to do it only then you will be happy in life.

Hearing this, the person became silent and after thinking for a while.

He said: but Buddha!

I do not understand one thing. Is it possible to solve all the problems in my life at once?

Buddha replied: if someone comes to you and says, that you will die in the next 10 minutes.

You will not remember any more problem like that, because at that moment you will only think about the absolute truth of life, which is death.

You will feel like, what is the use of thinking over the Problems. I will leave after 10 minutes.

We never think that this life is flitting. Our desires become so strong that we accept our life as Immortal.

Happiness and sorrow in life are not permanent. The cause of this happiness and sorrow is our Karma and our thoughts.

The man was listening intently to Buddha.

He said: then, should I always think I am going to die. Will that solve the problems?

Buddha said: No, never think so. Just think that my existence in this world is uncertain and as long as I am or will be, I will live happily. Think very carefully.

You still have many things that make you happy and glad. Live with them, fix the mind and see. There is no confusion in your mind.

All the sorrows and pains of life are caused by desire. Control the mind. If you can make the mind as simple as a child, you will get Eternal happiness.

The man asked: How can I control the mind?

We need to know the difference between happiness and sorrow. I have to understand, what is happiness to me and what is sorrow?

The mind has to be controlled in such a way that it should neither be happy even in extreme happiness, nor be sad, even in extreme sorrow.

We must be steadfast in the middle position.

If you analyze in real life, what are my sorrows or what are the causes of that sorrows?

In the end, the conclusion is that the cause of all sorrows is ourselves, and the mind manages ourselves. So, if you can control the mind, the sorrow will end.

Buddha then said to that person, If you can do another small thing, you will see that the sorrow in your life is gone forever.

The man said with great enthusiasm, tell me Buddha. What should I do?

Buddha said: you will not talk to anyone for the next two days. You’ll write down on a piece of paper in the solitary place thinking about your sorrows and the reasons for it and write on another paper. what happiness you still have and what are the reasons for it?

Don’t rush, you’ll get a lot of time, go and think perfectly.

The man bowed to Buddha and went to the secluded corner of the ashram. Two days later, he came back to Buddha with a lot of papers.

Buddha said: first, let me listen to the table of contents of your sorrow. The man began to read.

  1. All the brothers in my family are rich, but I am poor and indebted because I am afraid to act. I raised more than act and I always compare myself with others.
  2. My neighbors have saved a lot of money, but I couldn’t. The reasons are: First. I have done this work and earned less money, but spent a lot of money in Bad Company. Even though I did not save a single penny.
  3. My wife has been ill for a long time. It is me who is responsible for this. Due to my negligence. I did not take her to any doctor and just left it to lock and the truth is there is a sacred desire in my mind. If this wife dies of an illness, I will remarry a faithful woman.
  4. I imagine illusory happiness all day long and I worry and grieve as they are not fulfilled and I drink alcohol every day to forget my sorrows and again I am the only one responsible for this.

I know I can’t afford it, but I want to warn it all, even if I don’t have them, I can have a wonderful day and I make excuses for drinking and intoxication. These are my four sorrows and at the root of all sorrows are my actions and thoughts.

This time, Gautam Buddha smiled and said: well, now tell me the list of your happiness.

This time the person said very enthusiastically that I am happy and I have so much joy inside. I just realized for the first time in my life in the last two days. My list of causes of happiness is so big that it will take a couple of hours to finish reading.

Buddha smiled and said, not only for you but for all of us. The cases are the same. Only we waste precious time of life by thinking about the causes of sorrow. In fact, our life is a storehouse of happiness, peace and joy. Well, you did not read the whole list. Just read a few.

The man began to read with great joy.

The first Joy is that I am now living in this world. I am healthy and strong. I have parents, a wife and children, like those lucky ones in the world. I have the most spacious wealth, like the affections of my parents, the love of my beautiful wife, the tenderness of my child and my happiness of being a father.

I can work, I am fit and healthy. I can improve my income by doing any Work. I can happily meet the needs of all the family members. I am happy because I can build a happy family as much as I can, without comparing myself with any of my neighbors and brothers with the humanity that has been born in me by your grace.

I can leave my bad habits and live in eternal peace and the greatest joy and good fortune at that. I have found a place fit of lord Gautam Buddha by your grace.

As long as I am temporarily on this earth, I’ll know the truth of life, know myself with a fixed mind and keep myself and others in eternal bliss.

Buddha said: Go back to your family. This time You are reborn. Today live a life of eternal peace with a stable mind.

If there is a slight confusion in your mind about life, say to yourself, life is too short, and I am not here to be a slave of sorrows, analyze and find out the cause of sorrow and destroy it immediately.

Only then you will find eternal happiness and everlasting Joy.

Moral: Inspiring story of buddha to overcome your sorrow

We all have experienced sorrow throughout our lives. We may not think we do, but if we look at a list of things that make us happy in life, we may find that sadness comes in many forms. However, as sad events happen, time moves on and we get over them.

We may feel sorrowful at certain times in our life, but we learn how to overcome these feelings and move forward into the future. The same goes for any negative event in life; we have no control over what happens, but we can always choose how we react to these experiences in life.

In order to grow out of sorrow, we must first understand the origin of the sorrow and recognize its causes. Then, we can take steps to prevent further occurrences of sorrow and learn ways to deal with the situation. As we continue to grow in maturity, we will eventually realize that the only way to truly overcome sorrow is to let go of the past and focus on positive experiences in life.

If we could look back at our lives and see the good things that have happened, then we would not be as sad about the bad things we experience today. There is nothing wrong with looking ahead.

Instead, let’s embrace each day and live in the present moment. Let’s appreciate those who love us and try to help others as well.

Let’s keep a smile on our faces, even in the face of adversity. And, above all else, let’s never give up hope.

FAQ:- Know The Secret: Inspiring story of buddha to overcome your sorrow

Q-1: What are the causes of sorrow?


1. Depression

Depression is caused by a disconnection between the brain and body. A person suffering from depression may have no reason to feel sad, however he/she still does. These feelings of sadness are often due to physiological changes in the body that cause a feeling of emptiness or dissatisfaction with life.

2. Anxiety

Anxiety is defined as a state of fear and apprehension. An individual may experience anxiety due to situations where there are real threats. Social anxiety stems from fear of social interaction and shyness. In extreme cases, anxiety can lead to panic attacks where the sufferer feels overwhelmed by intense sensations of being anxious, nervous, and/or panicky.

3. Anger

Anger is characterized by strong emotions and could be justified or unjustified. When someone experiences anger, he/she can express his/her emotion verbally or physically. Many times, people get angry at others and themselves due to past mistakes. People can also easily lose their temper if something stresses them out.

4. Stress

Stress is described as the pressure or strain placed upon an individual. Common sources of stress include work and family responsibilities. Other stressful events include illness, injuries, divorce, relationship problems, and financial issues.

5. Loss

Loss is defined as the loss or missing of something valuable. Losses can range from material possessions, like losing a car, to personal losses, like losing a job. Losses can be brought on by a natural disaster or an accident. Sometimes losses can occur without warning or cause.

6. Sadness

Sadness is described as a deep-seated mood characterized by despair, grief, and disappointment. Feelings of sadness are linked to specific memories and events. Sadness can last for minutes, hours, days, weeks, or even months. In contrast to happiness, sadness can be negative or positive depending on its context.

7. Loneliness

Loneliness occurs when we feel disconnected from our peers or society. This can be due to geographical location, cultural differences, or simply a preference for solitude. Loneliness is related to loneliness.

Q-2: How do I get out of sorrow?


1. Keep yourself busy

If you find yourself getting sad, try keeping yourself busy by doing things you enjoy. Doing something you love can help distract you from your sadness and take your mind off your problems. If you feel like you have no interest in anything, try going outside and taking some time to enjoy nature. Take advantage of any free time you have and spend it doing what you love.

2. Get over being mad at someone

Moody people tend to attract even more moodiness around them. If you’re angry with someone, don’t let it bother you. You’ll only end up feeling worse about everything if you hold onto your anger. Let go of your frustration by talking to someone you trust, and then forgive them. When you forgive someone, you let go of resentment towards them and open yourself up to the possibility of having a positive experience again.

3. Reach out to others

When you’re feeling down, reach out to those close to you. Reaching out to friends can make dealing with your troubles easier, since they know how you’ve been and what’s bothering you. If you don’t have anyone close to you to talk to, talk to a professional counselor. Counselors can provide you with emotional support and advice.

4. Learn to laugh

Laughter helps us forget our worries. Laughter is contagious, so if you want to cheer up, just keep laughing! Watch funny videos or read humorous books to break the ice and put a smile on your face. A great way to start your day is to find humor in whatever situation you may find yourself in. Be grateful for what you already have right now and appreciate that you won’t always have bad days. Think of ways to turn your frown upside-down.

5. Sleep well

Getting adequate sleep is extremely important. Lack of sleep causes depression and anxiety, and makes it harder to deal with difficult situations. Try to set aside time each night to relax and get quality rest. Don’t worry about needing seven hours of sleep per night; sleep experts recommend between six and eight hours of good quality sleep per night.

6. Eat well and exercise

There’s nothing better than eating food that makes you happy. In fact, studies show that people who eat foods that bring joy to their lives tend to live longer and healthier lives. Eating a balanced diet high in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and low fat dairy products can give you plenty of energy without causing weight gain. Exercise helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle and burn calories, making you happier and healthier. Find a hobby or activity that you enjoy doing and stick to it regularly.

7. Have fun

Having fun doesn’t mean you need to party all the time. Fun doesn’t mean wasting money or using drugs. Fun means enjoying yourself and spending quality time with family and friends. So, don’t wait until you’re depressed. Do something right now and enjoy it!

Q-3: How does sorrow feel like?

Ans: Sorrow feels like someone took out all of my joy and replaced it with pain. I am not sure how they did it. But, I think about it all day long. Sometimes I would like to forget about it and just have fun again. But, then I remember about what happened and I start to feel sad all over again. That’s why I want to find out if there is any cure for it. If there is no cure, then maybe there could be some way to help me deal with it.

Q-4: What is the difference between sorrow and grief?

Ans: Sorrow is something we feel when our loved ones pass away, while Grief is a natural response to loss and may last for some time after the death of someone special. Both feelings involve sadness and depression and both can cause us severe pain and suffering if left unchecked. However, in reality, they are completely different. There are many people who have had to experience both sides of this painful dilemma, and here are some interesting facts about them. If you’re feeling sad, think about these facts!

  1. Sorrow is temporary; Grief lasts forever
  2. Grief is a social emotion
  3. Sorrow causes physical changes
  4. Grief doesn’t affect physical conditions
  5. Tears are not always indicative of emotional distress

Q-5: Where is sadness stored in the body?

Ans: There are three places in our bodies where sadness becomes stored:

  • The Lungs
  • The Liver
  • The Spleen

As we experience negative emotions and let them affect us, they move to the center of our being and become lodged in these organs. If left untreated, this negativity can cause disease. To release the hold of any bad emotion on the mind, emotions need to be released physically from those organs.

Thanks for checking out this Inspiring story of buddha to overcome your sorrow. 

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