Story of  Three Monks of China Who Always Laughed For Living

Story of The Three Monks of China Who Always Laughed For Living

Before we start the Story of Three Monks of China Who Always Laughed For Living, Let us first explore and understand about laughing.

Laughing is one of the best ways to relieve tension and make people feel good. It helps us release our built-up tensions and gives the body the necessary break it needs after a stressful day.

A person who laughs often has a much healthier outlook on life than someone who does not laugh at all. Laughter creates more positive thoughts and feelings about yourself, others, and life in general.

Laughing also reduces depression symptoms and makes people happier. Studies have shown that people who laugh more frequently are less likely to suffer from depression.

Researchers believe that laughter triggers the release of dopamine, which is a chemical responsible for producing pleasure, happiness, and euphoria.

Laughter helps fight cancer. According to researchers, laughter stimulates the production of white blood cells, which help fight off disease.

Laughing exercises prevents heart disease, relaxes the cardiovascular system, making it easier to breathe and maintain normal blood flow. Research indicates that laughter can reduce the risk of heart disease if performed regularly throughout the day.

This Story of  Three Monks of China Who Always Laughed For Living conveys very clear idea about how laughing can help improving our life.

There is only one life but we squander this life very carelessly. If we knew how much life is worth, we would not have wasted this life in negligence. According to Lord Gautama Buddha only laughter is the most precious thing in this world.

Part-1 of Story of  Three Monks of China Who Always Laughed For Living

once upon a time in China, everyone knew three Buddhist monks. These three monks were always seen together. All three were old. These three monks always wandered from this village to that village, from this city to that city.

The specialty of these three monks was that they were always laughing. Not only did they laugh, but they laughed out loud.

No one ever saw them talking to each other, they just laughed out loud. The most amazing thing is that whenever these three monks came to any Village or town in the morning, they would stand somewhere in the middle and start laughing loudly.

At first, the people from the neighborhood were very surprised to see them, but after a while, they also started laughing just like the three monks. As time went by the number of people laughing slowly increased. The number of people laughing continuously spread.

It spread across the area and into other areas. At times, the people of the entire village or city would laugh together loudly for no reason. After laughing the whole day, the three monks would once again leave for a new village or city in the evening.

These three people did not give any preach or advice throughout the day. They did not even speak a word. They used to change the situation of the whole village or city just by laughing.

It often happened that the common people of the village, where the three of them came from, even the most miserable people, forgot all their problems and started living a happy life. People all over China, respected and loved these three monks.

All the countrymen believed that such great monks had not come to earth before. Many believed It was a spiritual joke.

These three old monks created a subtle idea in the minds of the whole country that this life is the only opportunity to spend in great laughter and delight. For many years, they taught the common people in every part of China to live Happy life.

Part-2 of Story of  Three Monks of China Who Always Laughed For Living

One day three monks arrived in the middle of a village in northern China in the morning, just as the three started laughing loudly, some villagers gathered there looking at them in surprise, some laughing as loudly as them. Gradually, the crowd was increasing. The sound of laughter was also Increasing.

All of a sudden, the laughter stopped. There was silence all around because one of the three monks died suddenly. The remaining two monks stared at the face of the dead monk.

The villagers thought that now the two monks would forget to smile or laugh out loud. All the villagers came to that field to see the dead monk for the last time, but after some time. The other two monks started laughing as loudly as before, as if their laughter had no end.

The villagers were silently watching the two monks. They slowly went to the monk and asked.

Why are you not mourning over the death of your dear friend?

Why are you not crying?

The two monks did not answer, they just kept laughing.

After a long time, they stopped laughing and said this morning, when we three were coming together to your village. There was a discussion as to who would die first, leaving the remaining two among us.
The dead monk then placed a bet that he would die first, our dear friend has owned the bet, so we are laughing, laughing with the joy of the victory of the beloved partner.

Our beloved friend knew the certainty of death beforehand. So, this morning he had written his last wish on a paper and given it to us.

Saying this, the monk took out the paper from the back.

His last wish was written there, according to social custom after a good bath, The dirty clothes of the dead body are replaced with new clothes before the dead body is put on the fire. Don’t bathe me, don’t change my clothes, because laughter is such a thing that has not let any filth in the world into me.

Part-3 of Story of  Three Monks of China Who Always Laughed For Living

Then the dead monk was cremated in his old clothes without taking a bath, as per his last wish. As the heat of the fire continued to rise, the monk’s clothes started to burn, the thousands of villagers present.

There noticed that hundreds of colored flames Rose from the dead, monk’s body and mingled in the air, as if many people lit fire crackers on a festive night.

The remaining two monks started laughing loudly again, this time louder and louder, as if this laughter would not stop, the thousands of villagers present there slowly joined the monks they also started laughing together.

The whole village was laughing as if the whole world was laughing together. Slowly with time, the monk was reduced to ashes.

Final Thought: Story of  Three Monks of China Who Always Laughed For Living

If we look at our own life, we all have no end of problems in our lives. No end of worries, but life is only one. We will not come to this world again.

Smile and smile. Smile heartily.

This life is a gift, so always smile. If you can’t get out of the problem at first smile in front of the mirror, look at yourself, you will feel like a new person.

Anything that makes you grin snicker and be blissful ought to be embraced. Looking for difficulties to legitimize our reality isn’t the reason throughout everyday life- who can say for sure? – maybe we would have the option to live in a more evolved world too.

So friends, comment and let us know what you do to stay happy and make yourself laugh out loud?
Keep Laughing !!

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